Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tag from ina aka mama nabila..

Dapat tag from ina.. thanks ina..
lambat skit jwb, kena amik feel.. ekekek..

1. First time jumpa with ur hubby bila n kat mana?
kat opis, dia baru masuk keje..
ayat pertama dia tegur,
'tempat semayang kt maner?'
ceh, igt lg tu... ekekek...

2. Love at first sight?
xlah, mula2 jumpa cam rakan opis jerk..

3. Who is he when the first time u meet him?
rakan satu opis..

4. How long it takes for him to ask u out of a date?
bila ek.. first time kuar sbg kwn..
second time dh jd aweks dia.. ekekek..

5. First place dating?
kedai makan, tp x igt kedai mana.

6. How he proposed?
dia yg ajak.. heheh..

7. Special Date with your hubby?
03/06/05 akad nikah
04/06/05 sanding umah
06/06/05 sanding umah hb

8. Changes that he asked u to do?
blajar masak mskan kelate.. ekekek..

9. What is about him that u love him so much?
Penyayang.. take care..
jenis cool..
anak n yg baik..

10. What is about him that u wish he would like change?
Merokok n kuat tido..
tp ku pon kuat tdo gak.. ekekek..

11. U will lose ur mind n crack ur head when he?

12. U will smile thru ur eyes for the whole day when he?
tlg buat keje umah.. ekekek..
bg adiah, bg duit.. nk shopping.. ekekekke..

13. Complete below sentences 'My love towards my hubby is as big as..?
seluas luas lautan.. seluas langit..
dan semua yg luas n besar lah.. heheh..

Nak pass Tag ni kepada?
1. Luv_ma
2. Kak Sweets
3. Kak Eynda
4. Kak Y
5. Diana
6. Me
7. Kak niesya
8. Pretty aka atul

kalo dh dpt abaikan yerk.. heheh..
jawab jgn x jwb.. :)


eynda said...

Dapat jugak tag ni setelah dok baca kat blog2 lain hihi...tq...nanti akak buat :-D

sweets said...

ok nanti kak buat..

iNa said...

ooo..baru tau...
rakan se opis rupenye.. :)

hubby ina pon kuat tido sha...
sbb die jenis mlm berjaga smpai 3,4 pg....

shabiela said...

kak eynda, gabungkan semua.. heheh..

ok kak sweets..

ina, yup.. jodoh kt opis..
hb sha kalo x keje mmg berjaga..
hr keje smpai kol 1 cukup.. heheh..